This Sunday 29th May, Pollensa hosts its colorful and traditional Corpus Christi procession, commonly known as the procession of “Les Àguiles i Sant Joan Pelós” here in Pollensa. It is an ancient religious festivity which nowadays is only celebrated here in the historical town of Pollensa with the dance of “Les Àguiles” (two girls dressed in white and decked in gold jewellery) and “St. Joan Pelós” (Hairy St. John) with a mask, a red cape a cross in one hand and a lamb in his arms.


The celebration starts this Sunday 29th in the afternoon in the main square. The three main characters, the two “Àguiles” and “St. Joan Pelós” dance throughout the winding streets of the town of Pollensa followed by the local marching band, the three main characters’ families as well as children who have received their first communion this year 2016.


It is a much appreciated procession by the local people and which year after year attracts many tourists who join us to celebrate this traditional festivity.

Take a look at this video of the 2015 procession:


If you are now spending your holidays in the island of Mallorca, do not miss this colorful procession this Sunday 29th May. If you wish to receive more details about this celebration, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be more than pleased to inform you about the Pollensa Corpus Christi Procession.

The Best Villas Pollensa.

About the author

Juana Mª

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